Friday 13 April 2007


I have bouts of sadness, doubt and jealousy which overwhelm me sometimes. It happens when I'm alone, and I know this weekend I am going to be alone with only my work for company.

I know the sadness is wrong. I know it's self-indulgent self-pity, when really I have nothing to complain about - so I'm half way there. I catch it before it gets too far and by writing about it I have to address it and therefore hopefully, halt it. I'm feeling sad becasue someone I love is away, and at the same time I have lots to do and no-one to share my anxiety with.

But - this weekend I can get some things done that I need to get done. I have a deadline coming up and this weekend can be a time to get my head down and get some words written.

Also, I can use this weekend as head space. I can go for walks, especially as the weather is so beautiful at the moment. I just need to stop and look at things in a positive way. Self-pity helps no-one! I know that. I just needed to put it in writing.

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