Sunday 1 June 2008

It's been a long time since I last wrote here.  Since then, our plans have shifted somewhat.  Post-graduation, the plan was to work for about six months, save, live at home, and then travel ...

For a variety of reasons, things have changed.  I have moved to Jersey to be with Will and we're both working here.  Neither of us are working in the fields we'd envisaged ourselves to be working, but for the moment, we're enjoying just being able to earn a decent wage, and have settled into a little flat in town.  

I'm proud of what we've achieved.  We began renting our flat in February this year, and although it was completely unfurnished when we moved in, now we've built up our first little home, complete with coffee table, bookshelves, bed etc.  It's exciting and fulfilling to put together your first home, and to be honest, I guess that's part of the reason why we're not currently travelling.  We don't have the funds to keep our flat on while simultaneously travelling around Africa and South America for a few months and our priorities have changed a little ... for now.

We have both settled into our jobs, and more importantly life here.  We have a good group of friends, and I feel at home here, which is maybe a little surprising, considering I've only been here nine months.  I really felt that the first time when we returned from our holiday to West Africa.  When we finally touched down in Jersey, and then again, more, when we walked through our front door I relaxed.  I was home.  Although we had a fantastic holiday, coming home is a joy too.  

It's the 1st June.  It's really nearly a year since I last wrote!  Time definitely seems to speed up once you've graduated.

I have posted a reply to Will's article about the roving eyes of men... a hot topic for debate!  

I won't leave it so long next time.  In fact, I think I'll be back here again very soon.  It makes my brain more alert in everyday life if I'm thinking about how to express something in my next blog...

Until next time...

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