Thursday, 1 March 2007

a new start

I am someone who keeps making resolutions I then don't stick to. I have an idea in my head of the person I'd like to be but it is all too easy to let those ideas slip.

I would like to write more.

I would like to take an art class.

I would like to sing without inhibition.

I would like to take beautiful photos.

I would like to not be afraid of failure.

I would like to be proud to be me.

There are many more things I would like to do. I want to be the person I know I can be. I find instead I am frustrated becuase I lack a creative outlet and I blame everyone else for holding me back, when really, truly, it's ME.

I have this idea somewhere that I ought to be creating, that I ought to be good at it and so I carry around this ridiculous guilt when I don't. When I put life's laundry before all else.

BUT starting from today I am going to write, explore, experience the world and report back on here. My imagination is a muscle that I'd forgotten how to use. Now I'm going to work it again.

I'm nearly 22 and no one is going to hold me accountable except me.
( Wish me luck!)

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